Chocolates for Parkinson

Embarquez dans un voyage de saveurs exceptionnelles pour aider la lutte contre la maladie de Parkinson. Newtree et la Demoucelle Parkinson Charity vous invitent à découvrir des goûts uniques mettant en avant des ingrédients respectueux de vos papilles, de votre santé et de votre environnement.
I run for Parkinson

I run for Parkinson’s disease

In June 2018, Jean-Pascal will run 92km during the Mont Blanc Marathon. He decided to add a challenge by raising funds for Parkinson’s disease. Listen to him and support him! 
Michael J Fox message

Michael J. Fox message

At the occasion of the 20km of Brussels, we raise funds with hundreds of runners. The money is invested in the most promising projects to find a solution to Parkinson’s disease, in partnership with the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Michael J. Fox himself has a special message for us, listen!