Presenting #TeamBeatParkinson

#TeamBeatParkinson is an informal, dynamic community of people in Belgium that are helping researchers to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.

Patients, their friends, family and colleagues are combining ideas, energy and determination to raise vital funds to speed up scientific advances in order to eradicate this terrible neurodegenerative disease as soon as possible. As fundraisers, they share a common goal to beat Parkinson’s Disease. As such they are part of #TeamBeatParkinson. 

Every euro raised by members of the public and donated to Belgium’s Demoucelle Parkinson Charity goes straight to high-impact research programs, which are carefully selected together with the Michael J Fox Foundation.


Join #TeamBeatParkinson

Making a difference

By organizing events to raise funds or just asking friends and family to make an online donation, #TeamBeatParkinson members rally and mobilize their communities behind a common cause: to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.

Knowing that we CAN do something to improve our own, or our loved one’s, future is empowering and being part of a community of like-minded people that share the same goal is energising.

Whether we are the organisers of an event –big or small – or volunteer our time to support an event or even, simply, share information about what is going on, we feel part of something bigger and know that we are making a real difference!

Researchers are working hard to end Parkinson’s Disease and we are doing our part to help make that happen!


Make a donation!

Be part of #teambeatparkinson

Everyone can be a fundraiser! We would love to welcome you to #TeamBeatParkinson!

Whatever your skill or passion, it can be turned into a successful fundraising event, from hosting small pancake breakfasts, a neighbourhood waffle stand or a school bake sale to joining a community 5K run, hosting a music concert or dinner party, or establishing a golf tournament or gala event. It’s easy to take your idea and turn it into reality! And to help you get started, a core group of experienced #TeamBeatParkinson fundraisers are ready to guide and support you!

As inspiration, here are some ways you could help. We’ll post more examples as #TeamBeatParkinson grows!

Set up your own fundraising initiative.

Below are some ideas with tips on how to set them up, but anything and everything is possible!

Support an existing fundraising initiative.

The Demoucelle Parkinson Charity and #TeamBeatParkinson groups or individuals are running events throughout the year. Perhaps you could volunteer to support these, or take part in their activity or create your own fundraising page? Below is a list of upcoming events and fundraising campaigns.

Other ways you can support fundraising

Contact us

By pledging to ‘Be Present. Be Active. Beat Parkinson’s’ … you are joining a growing and vibrant community of people in Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels that want to help find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease. We would love you to become part of #TeamBeatParkinson!

If you like to get tips and ideas for ways to fundraise, or raise awareness of an event that you are hosting and put out a call for volunteers to help you, please do join our Facebook group or contact the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity directly so we can match you with an experience team member.


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