Meet Olivette Mikolajczak, a DPC volunteer and keen golfer. Together with her golf club she is organising a charity day in support of the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity this September. 

How are you supporting the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity?
By organising activities (currently a golf competition) and by asking participants to make a donation to the charity.

Why did you choose to support research to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease?
I chose to support the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity because I know Parkinson’s disease well. I have read many articles on the subject not only about the cause (which is difficult to define) but also about the effects and the hope of finding a cure.

What impact has Parkinson’s disease had on you personally?
As for the impact that the disease has had on me, it is direct as I have this disease. It started seven years ago and I was diagnosed five and a half years ago.

What do you want people to know about Parkinson’s disease?
I would like people to be aware that this disease also affects young people, and that it is all the more disabling. The future of these young people depends on research and its results.

What advice would you give to other people who want to organise an event or activity to support Parkinson’s research?
Don’t be afraid to do it. Doing anything is worthwhile even if it only raises a little money.

What is your favourite motto to guide your life?
Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.  — Einstein