Most, if not all of us, have our moments of doubt. Perhaps we wonder whether our own actions and results were ‘good enough’. Or we are critical of others’ efforts. The right course of action is not obvious. We hesitate what to do and how to react. Here are a couple of tips to help guide you in your reflections. 


5 tips for successful change management


  1. Use a standard, a norm: what is the ‘normal’ quality or quantity that could be expected in this situation? What typical ‘rules’ apply in these circumstances? As you’ll notice, standards are very helpful both for your evaluation and your communication. 
  2. Think about a role model: reflect which person you know would know ‘the’ answer to the current situation. Someone who seems to ‘get these issues right’. Imagine how this person would react. Then consider acting the same way. If the other tends to be so effective this way, why not you? 

  3. Do the sunshine test: reflect how the community would react if your story was in the newspaper tomorrow morning. Would they understand and support your words and actions? Or would they act with surprise and contempt? Imagining this article in the media often changes one’s perspective…


Apply these 3 tips, and you will not only gain clarity and confidence, but you will probably increase acceptance of your actions by the others. 

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