Engaging presentation

How to make sure your audience says ‘THAT was an interesting presentation’

 -  Duurzaamheid
After many presentations, audience feel a bit ‘dazed’, thinking “waw – thàt was a lot of info”… If you asked them “so – what’s your key takeaway?” – many, if not most, would have a hard time answering. THE sign that the presentation was ‘off target’. So how to prepare an engaging presentation, where your audience considers it was ‘really interesting?
Positivity & Engagement: Co-Creation

Positivity & Engagement: Co-creation

 -  Duurzaamheid / Positief
You’ve had a couple of steering Committees, everything seemed to go well. There were not a lot of reactions but things were moving forward. And then suddenly people in your Steering Committee start putting things into questions: they come back on previous decisions, nothing is certain anymore, … You are confused: what just happened?
7 minute app

Seven minutes – it doesn’t take more

 -  Leiderschap
Are you frustrated too when others make you do things you don’t feel like doing? Your boss pushes through option B whereas you were so convinced option A was the right one…; You have to do some administrative tasks, and you just hate those…; Your family asks your help, right now, and now is really not the right moment… Dealing with unwelcome requests sure is a difficult thing…
5 tips deal with judas

5 tips on how to deal with a ‘judas’ at work

 -  Duurzaamheid / Positief
Have you ever encountered them? Those people who are pleasant and forthcoming when you are with them, but who act against you once you have turned your back? If you have dealt with such colleagues, you know how frustrating it is, especially if you are their boss. In this insight we’ll provide a couple of ideas on how to deal with a backstabbing coworker.
Book review ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’

Book review: ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ by Brené Brown

 -  Leiderschap
Striving for quality is a power engine for many of us. And that’s great. Beware however when the underlying thought becomes we have to be PERFECT (as not being perfect = being unworthy) . If we think so, in the end we might not achieve all that much anymore…. Brené Brown’s main idea in this book is: let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.