A good corporate vision provides direction. It provides clarity to all involved. It helps leaders and teams take the right decisions. Companies and teams with a clear, shared vision typically outperform those without. 


5 tips for successful change management


Here are 5 tips to create your (team’s) vision. 

  1. Explain how you’ll meet stakeholder’s needs: powerful corporate visions are not about a ‘magic revenue’, a ‘superb margin’ or an ‘amazing growth rate’. Corporate visions are about what you want to do, and how you want to serve key stakeholder needs. Make sure your corporate vision talks about your customers, the people you want to serve.

  2. Integrate industry & macro-trends: powerful corporate visions are not about ‘status quo’. The world is changing rapidly. Some of the changes are likely to have a considerable impact on your industry, your company and your team. Identify technological, social, regulatory, … evolutions, and reflect how you could leverage them to better need your stakeholder’s needs.

  3. Put a compelling 1-liner on the vision: powerful corporate visions are not difficult to remember. The most powerful visions have a catchy 1-line phrase that summarizes the vision. A phrase that sticks. A phrase easy to remember. Just repeating this key phrase reminds everyone of the corporate vision and its power.

  4. Structure the vision in 3 to 5 themes: powerful corporate visions are not fuzzy. They contain real choices, and clarify what the company or team will focus upon. That’s why it helps to structure the vision around 3 to 5 themes, and use these as backbone for the strategy and the tactics of the company.

  5. Make it a shared vision: powerful corporate visions are not pushed down throughout the ranks. Avoid having a ‘vision shared’. Make sure it is a ‘shared vision’. Read more on how to create a shared vision in our previous blog post: ‘How shared is your team vision – according to your team?’. 


Apply these 5 tips, and the future will be so much clearer for your team, and so much better for your key stakeholders.

Contact us if you would like help in creating more business and people alignment in your company.