5 tips for when your team doesn’t get along

 -  Teamwerk
Is your team a ‘dream team’? Are members working well together, is there a good level of bonding, and is the atmosphere pleasant? Or is good collaboration in your team just a distant dream? Do people disapprove of each other, are vicious little games frequent, is criticism constantly in the air? Here are 5 pragmatic tips to create more bonding in the team you’re leading.

Succeed in getting to an agreement when all parties have a strong opinion

 -  Duurzaamheid / Leiderschap / Teamwerk
We’ve probably all experienced it–many times. Different parties trying to convince each other, without success. Endless debates. People not feeling heard. Usually it ends with frustration. The hierarchical leader takes a decision that is not shared by the others. Or there is no decision, and the situation lingers on, leading to even more irritation. Here’s how to get to an agreement with an underlying bonus…

What if you have a low performer in your team (or several) ?

 -  Duurzaamheid / Leiderschap / Teamwerk
Maybe you inherited a weak team, and you feel stuck. Maybe your collaborators do (less than) the strict minimum, and you get nervous. Maybe some team members lack competence, and you are frustrated. If you’re in one of the situations above, chances are high you have already spent quite some time thinking about the situation. Here’s a way, inspired by Eckhart Tolle, to make the best out of the situation and bring your team to the highest possible level.

How strong is your team?

 -  Duurzaamheid / Leiderschap / Teamwerk
Quick question: is your team at full potential? We often ask this question. To executives and to their teams. When the market conditions are so difficult. When their shareholders are so demanding. When their bosses are so unrealistic in their expectations. Rare are the instances where the answer is “yes – my team is at full potential”…. The question is of course – what to do about it? Where to start?

Book review: Turn the Ship Around!

 -  Teamwerk
If you want true engagement & enrolment, use the ‘leader-leader’ approach, rather than the ‘leader-follower’ approach. Turn your followers into true leaders, and you’ll get them to ‘full potential’

How shared is your team vision (according to your team)?

 -  Duurzaamheid / Leiderschap / Teamwerk
Ever spent a lot of time defining a compelling vision for your company or team, polishing it until it was a true ‘pearl’, sharing it at key meetings – yet still hearing comments in the corridors (or in surveys) that the vision is not clear? Or facing a blank when one team member cannot express it? A frustrating experience… shared by so many leaders…

Aligning 2 stars

 -  Teamwerk
What happens when 2 members of a Leadership Team don’t get along? Two ExCo members having opposite views or positions. Two functional heads that think of each other as incompetent. Two n-3 ambitioning the same and unique n-2 job.

How to handle dysfunctional characters during meetings?

 -  Teamwerk
After the six generic steps to handle dysfunctional behavior, here are some typical cases that require specific actions. Here is your user’s guide – not to say your safety net or your antidote – to handle the 16 most common and typical dysfunctional characters.

How to handle dysfunctional behavior during meetings?

 -  Teamwerk
The meeting is supposed to start now. Yet half of the participants are not present. And the present half is more busy with finding coffee, chatting or checking their emails. Latecomers at their worst, distractors at their best. Mild dysfunctional behavior? Mild maybe but repetitive and costly! And then, in the middle of your well-thought process, one stands up and things you should be doing differently, putting your process into question and suggesting alternative ways to proceed. And another starts telling an endless story about how it has been done in the past. Process interferes at short, storytellers at length. Serious dysfunctional behavior? Serious and damaging…