Your to-do-list counts too many items? You are constantly busy, yet you can’t progress on what matters most? New urgent requests keep coming your way? And when you can finally start working on what matters, you get interrupted all the time?

The answer is simple: use ABC and CDE to get the best out of your time.

Sometimes there are just too many things to do, we can’t do them all. Making the right choices is key at those moments: our suggestion is to start with A tasks (the most important ones, or the ones with the most consequences if not done); only afterwards to work on ‘B’ tasks (already less important or urgent); and to keep the ‘C’ tasks for… never.

‘A’ tasks are those tasks that are most important, bringing the most fulfillment or the most relief.

Don’t you feel good when having made tremendous progress on something truly important? Make sure every day you make time for those tasks that give a BOOST to your professional or personal life. Those are a true priority.

Other ‘A’ tasks are those that, if unattended now, will get you in deep trouble (examples are handing in your tax report when the deadline is approaching; or going to the dentist when your teeth are hurting). ‘A’ tasks should not account for more than 30% of your to-do list. The strategy: work massively and as early as possible in the day on ‘A’ tasks.

‘B’ tasks are still important, but less ‘life changing’ than the ones above: your regular meetings and weekly activities, your normal progress on projects and reports, your daily chores.

When you need to make a trade-off between an ‘A’ task and a ‘B’ task, always choose for the ‘A’ task. Always. The short term impact won’t be a catastrophe; but the medium to long term impact will be of great advantage to you. The strategy: work on ‘B’ tasks during filler time.

‘C’ tasks are all the other tasks. Simple comment: ignore them. Most of the time they will ‘go away’; unless, after a while, they become ‘B’ or ‘A’ tasks. That’s when you can start working on them. If you have to make choices, better make the right choices. The strategy: never work on ‘C’ tasks.

So far with ABC. CDE now, very short: Consider Delegating Everything. To anybody (colleague, boss, spouse, child, neighbor, …); in any form (just ask, swap tasks with them, pay them); entirely or partially; as is or reframed.

If you would like to know more about this topic, develop your time management skills during our boost seminars, coaching programs and development trainings, contact us right away!