To lead and inspire others, many use monologues. And they fail miserably. Try a productive dialogue instead. One where you express your point of view AND inquire about the other’s perspective. Here are 5 tips to lead such constructive dialogue.


5 tips for successful change management


  1. Tell a powerful story that clarifies your stance: Stories are so influential. They make people listen (which, often, they weren’t doing until then). Also, thanks to your ‘real life example’, your argument becomes so clear.

  2. Show how your view serves the other party: You won’t convince people by talking about what’s important to you. What they’re concerned about is: what is the impact on me? As long as they fear a negative impact, they will remain reluctant. So help them understand what’s in it for them.

  3. Check their unerstanding of your perspective: During the conversation, it might be worthwhile to ask the other party to explain YOUR viewpoint. Be warned – you might get very surprised. Often they understood something different from what you tried to explain. The good thing is: once you realize that, you can re-explain. And that is so powerful!

  4. Listen for their concerns, and acknowledge these: When people don’t agree with your stance, something is bothering them. As long as you don’t show understanding for their concern, they won’t listen to you. They won’t. It’s that simple.

  5. Reword (and adjust) your point of view, integrating a response to their concern: Have you noticed how people state their opinion the same way, over and over again? Well—if your argumentation didn’t work the first time, it won’t work the tenth time either. When restating your viewpoint, tailor it, so the other party feels their concern is better dealt with.

The more you practice these tips, the more you will be heard. You could take our word on it. But there’s better: try it out.

Contact us if you would like guidance in growing the leadership and inspiration skills of yourself or your team.