There’s a lot of research out there showing the benefits of a positive culture

Here’s 5 things you can do to start creating positivity in your teams:


  • Show appreciation for the people. A kind word, a compliment – it requires a small effort and has enormous positive impact. On the giver and on the receiver. A good idea to start with.

  • Be upbeat. Emotions are contagious. The person with the strongest emotions tends to ‘contaminates’ the others. So be strongly positive yourself. It’ll contaminate others.    

  • Welcome new ideas, and do something with them. When people know their opinion is valued, they feel so much better in their job. And the contentment will spread throughout the team.

  • Project faith, also when it’s difficult. When you show realistic optimism, when you point out the progress that has already been made, when you show how the plan forward will help reach objectives, your optimism will spread to others.   

  • Celebrate deserved team successes! Creating magic moments together builds a team. When it’s linked to a team success, it makes the team even stronger. Why wait?   


Do all 5 of them, consistently, and you will start noticing more and more positivity!
Good luck!


If you’re interested to know more about our experience in positive culture, don’t hesitate to Contact us.